Twitter Art Bot
- Tech Stack: Python, Tweepy, AWS (Lambda, S3, DynamoDB)
- Github URL: Project Link
Created a Twitter Art Bot with the use of Python and the open-source library Tweepy to interact with Twitter's API.
The Twitter Art Bot is split into two parts, one part is the which uses an indexed list of 100,000 JSON objects with links and art information from the National Gallery of Art's free open source artwork collection, the grabs the link from the JSON to download img into the 'art_images' directory.
The second part of the bot is the, this part handles Twitter's API and uses the account's keys to post on twitter at a set interval, and check if artwork has already been posted, so a duplicate is not posted.
This can be run in a local environment, however to make it seamless it is running all on its own through Amazon Web Services' Lambda function, where it uses a CloudWatch service to post a tweet about every 30 minutes. An S3 bucket to host downloaded images, and a dynamoDB instance to store a text of already used images for duplication handling.